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How becoming a hair extension specialist can change your life


Making the decision to train to become a hair extension specialist was the best decision I ever made. Here's why...

If I rewind to 2013, I was a young mum who didn't really know what I wanted to do with my career. I knew being a good mum was the most important thing in the world to me, and that I wanted to spend as much time as I could with my daughter. Not one for offices or the usual 9-5 I wanted to actually ENJOY whatever I chose to do, and make enough money to not have to worry financially. 💷

I had always loved hair and had a background in hairdressing, so I decided to book onto a hair extension training course. The course was 4 weeks long and looking back now wasn't fantastic but it gave me the start I needed to get into the industry. The cost was £4000 which was a LOT of money to me but at the time there weren't many courses to choose from, so I went for it.

One I qualified I worked on a mobile basis and I very much learnt on the job. I soon realised I needed to expand my education and add more method to my offerings. So I invested some of my profits into further training courses and researched the industry with every spare minute I had. I made it a priority to practice as much as possible to perfect my skills.

Within two years this paid off and I was fully booked. Meaning I had 2-3 clients - 5 days a week and I was thriving. This was before the world of social media truly blew up so my marketing was local Facebook groups and Gumtree ads. I worked around my daughters schedule, so when she was at nursery - I worked. Yes there were a few evenings and weekends thrown in but I mainly worked Mon- Fri 9am - 3pm, which was my DREAM.

Make your dreams a reality with our hair extension training courses

So why am I telling you all this?

A few years into starting my own business, I was being asked constantly if I provided hair extension training. I didn't but knew I had so much to offer to anyone wanting to take the steps I did and create their dream career.

I took a course in higher education and qualified to become a hair extension trainer.

Fast forward a few months and my training academy was born.

I wanted to pour all the knowledge I had into my courses, and offer personalised support to my students.

And that's what you get when you become one of my students - the highest quality training combined with advice and guidance from someone who has been there and knows your struggles inside and out.

I want to help my students to have a better work/life balance. I want them to be able to spend time with their children, do the school run, have a social life, all while having a job they truly love.

The hair extension industry is ever-growing. Currently estimated at $4.4 billion.

The best thing about it is you don't need to be a qualified hairdresser to become a hair extension socialist. You do need to have completed a hair extension course but most (mine included) are open to beginners who have no experience working with hair.

What could a career within the hair extension industry can look like for you.


What a typical day as a hair extension specialist can look like.

Lets say you're a mum with nursery or school aged children. As a hair extension specialist here's what your day could look like...

8:30am - School/nursery drop off

8:45am - Client one - nano ring maintenance appointment

12pm - Lunch

12:30 pm - Client two - Tape maintenance appointment

3pm - School/nursery run

5pm - Dinner with family

7pm - Kids wind down for bed (bath time, story etc)

8pm - Social media work

9pm - Pop on a film/read a book before bed.

What can you earn in a month as a hair extension specialist?

Your monthly earnings vary depending on the working hours you set yourself and how much effort you put into your business.

As a guide lets say the typical day above is your typical day for four days a week. (We all need a day to ourselves to keep up with the cleaning/self care).

Once you become confident and charging your worth (which comes with a little experience) you can expect to earn roughly £100 per client - this amount does vary depending on area and experience but its a rough guide.

So if you have two clients a day paying £100 each that's £100 x 2 = £200.

Working 4 days per week £200 x 4 = £800

Over 4 weeks that's £800 x 4 = £2400 per month.

Over 12 months that's £2400 x 12 = £28,800


Lets say you only want to work 1-2 days a week, working evenings or weekends and are setting up a side hustle as a hair extension specialist.

That could be 2 clients a week at £100 per client which is:

£200 per week

£800 per month.

£9600 per year

With hard work and dedication this is definitely possible.

How can you get into the hair extension industry yourself?

Now it's easier than ever to train to become a hair extension specialist. With training available to suit all needs.

Choose to train with us in - person with one of our small training groups. Learn in real time with me. Classes are limited to a maximum of 2 students per course so I can give you my full attention. I run training courses every Sunday from our Leicestershire training venue.


Learn online - in your own time. I have created a dedicated online training platform which houses all the training content you need - including theory work and video tutorials. Both the online and in-person training offer the same content and support via WhatsApp 7 days a week .

The main difference is me (your trainer) being in the room to guide you which some students prefer. Others prefer to work at their own pace at home in their own environment.

So what's the cost?

Not £4000 like I paid many years ago. I wanted to make my training affordable so you can learn online from as little as £50.

Why not click here to view all of the course I offer.

If it helps you can spread the cost with one of our finance partners. We work with Klarna, Clearpay, Laybuy and PayPal credit.

Here's a few of our course options ⬇️

Drop a comment below if you have any questions or you can contact me directly here.

Don't forget to subscribe for all our latest offers.

I really hope you found this guide useful.

Lots of Love

Nikki Xx

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